A coalition of refugee and immigrant serving organizations has partnered with a coalition of African-American serving organizations to propose a comprehensive and community-centered approach to combat COVID-19 and support the most vulnerable members of our community during this crisis.
Along with strong support from the City and County of Fresno, we have partnered with UCSF Fresno and other medical providers to launch the COVID-19 Equity Project (CEP).
17 partner organizations are hiring over 100 community health workers to provide health education, outreach and support applying for programs in 12+ languages. We will support testing sites throughout the City and County of Fresno, including the static site at the Stanley-Rea Center. We are supported by the brilliant minds at Central Valley Health Policy Institute (CVHPI) to provide training and evaluation.
Fresno Building Healthy Communities (BHC) is the lead organization for the Immigrant/Refugee Coalition and Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (EOC) is the lead organization for the African American Coalition, as well as the fiscal agent for the entire partnership.